In this three-part article, I present some new insights into the DAO governance space, taking a data-centric approach to analyzing key aspects of the DAO ecosystem, including membership and participation. In Part 1 I give a general introduction to DAOs and organizations and then share the questions that are guiding my current research in the DAO space. In part 2, I dive into trends and patterns that emerge from applying network analysis and data science on the digital traces collected from Snapshot and DAOHaus. Finally, in Part 3, I take the MetaCartel DAO as a case study of governance and look at some of the properties that drive participation. In each section, you will find a collectible NFT. The proceeds from each NFT will go directly towards supporting current and future Diamond Dao community research initiatives. A little spoiler, the DAO network is scale-free, so big hubs have the majority of members, while most DAOs only have a few members! Want to know more, read on!